<img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" />
A tried and true format to generating valuable discussion on anything top of mind to the group.
For a more in depth description about the Lean Coffee format, see here.
- Add a new session to .
- Update the filter in to point to the latest session. Remember to
Save for everyone
The Session
- Add topics to individual boards [5 minutes]
- Group topics to remove duplicates. Add
Submitted by
to consolidated topics. [2 minutes]
- Vote on topics. Open the active Coffee Session and vote on the topics you’re interested in using the
button. [2 minutes]
- Discuss the topics at hand. There are 2 formats and a template has been provided for each.
- Deep dive into a single topic for a fixed period of time.
- Choose a selection and have a strict time-box to tackle a variety of topics. Recommended time is 5-10 minutes each.
- Close up, listing any action items, which will be provided in the AI Summary
Lean Coffee Topics
Lean Coffee Sessions